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Conveyor crossover ladder for automative manufacturer

Categories:  Industrial Stairs  Conveyor Crossovers & Access  Crossover Stairs  

Red Custom Conveyor Crossover Ladder
Jun 18, 2024
Estimated 1 minute read

Electric Auto Manufacturer Conveyor Crossover Ladder with Custom Color

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Challenge: Design an OSHA-compliant custom conveyor crossover ladder for a low-ceiling area, avoiding heavy steel and on-site welding, and ensure all parts are powder-coated in a custom color theme.

ErectaStep developed a customized conveyor crossover system for a leading electric automobile manufacturer. The requirements included OSHA compliance, high aesthetic value, and powder coating in the company's colors. The low ceiling and need for lightweight materials excluded heavy steel and on-site welding. ErectaStep's modular aluminum components and bolt-together design provided an ideal solution, avoiding the long process of custom fabrication.

Solution: ErectaStep's platform was reduced by 3 inches for safety, and non-slip tape was added to stair treads. The crossover featured lightweight, pre-fabricated components to eliminate factory downtime during assembly. The entire system, including stairs, platform, and handrails, was powder-coated to match the company’s color scheme.

ErectaStep's modular, bolt-together design ensured a cost-effective, OSHA-compliant stair solution that met all the manufacturer's requirements without the need for custom fabrication or lengthy installation times.Red Conveyor Crossover Stair





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Park Rahaley

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