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Cove Molding

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By Mark Reed
Estimated 1 minute read

Cove molding is a type of trim molding used at the revelation point of the face of the riser below the underside of the tread. It improves the beauty of the staircase by offering a polished appearance to the structure.

Key Benefits:

  • Improved Appearance: Gives stairs an aesthetical appearance, thus making them look more stylish and complete.
  • Concealed Imperfections: Works well where there are membrane gaps and imperfections between risers and treads.
  • Versatility: Sold in styles and materials to suit a range of architectural designs and concerns.


  • Often installed in home staircases to improve the appearance of the stairs and bring a more formal look.
  • Used in offices, hotels, and other public structures where stairs are incorporated in the design to make them more attractive.
  • Applied in educational institutions, libraries, and other public establishments as the final touch to staircases.
Why is cove molding important for staircases?

Cove molding provides a clean and polished finish, improves the visual appeal, and conceals gaps and imperfections at the joint between risers and treads.

Our friendly stair experts can help with questions, quotes or project consultations.

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