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Grab Bars

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By Mark Reed
Estimated 1 minute read

Grab bars are fixed bars and railings that are fixed along stair treads and other moving surfaces to ensure that users have something to hold onto. They are crucial in avoiding stumbles and helpful to those who might struggle with balance.

Key Benefits:

  • Increased Safety: Reduces the risk of falls and accidents on stairs.
  • Improved Accessibility: Supports individuals with mobility challenges.
  • Improve Stability: Provides a secure handhold for users.


  • Installed in homes to improve safety.
  • Used in offices, retail spaces, and other commercial environments.
  • Implemented in public facilities, such as libraries and transit stations.

OSHA Compliance for Grab Bars

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has guidelines to ensure the perfect use of grab bars. Key points include:

  • Proper Installation: Ensure grab bars are securely mounted to provide reliable support.
  • Load Capacity: Install grab bars that can support the weight of users.
  • Regular Inspections: Check grab bars regularly for any wear or damage to maintain safety.

Our friendly stair experts can help with questions, quotes or project consultations.

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ErectaStep, RollaStep, and YellowGate are SixAxis brands

OSHA IBC Compliance

OSHA Compliance Cheat Sheet

The differences between IBC and OSHA compliance.