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By Mark Reed
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Post-to-Post refers to a balustrade system in which the handrail is secured between newel posts. This design creates a segmented and decorative appearance, often used in both functional and ornamental applications.


  • Aesthetic Appeal: Adds a segmented, stylish look to staircases and railings.
  • Customizable Design: Allows for various styles and materials, increasing the overall decor.
  • Structural Support: Provides necessary support for the handrail, ensuring safety.
What is a Post-to-Post balustrade system?

It is a railing design where the handrail is mounted between newel posts, offering a segmented and decorative appearance.

OSHA Compliance for Post-to-Post Systems

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) ensures that Post-to-Post balustrade systems meet safety standards. Key points include:

  • Height Requirements: Handrails must be installed at the correct height for user safety.
  • Load Capacity: Ensure that the system is designed to support required loads and resist impacts.
  • Regular Inspections: Conduct periodic inspections to maintain structural integrity and safety.

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OSHA IBC Compliance

OSHA Compliance Cheat Sheet

The differences between IBC and OSHA compliance.