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Maximum Extended Length or Maximum Working Length

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By Mark Reed
Estimated 1 minute read

The maximum extended length, also known as the maximum working length, is the total length a ladder can achieve when fully extended. This measurement indicates the ladder’s reach and is critical for determining its suitability for various tasks.


  • Increased Reach: Allows access to higher areas that would otherwise be out of reach, improving versatility and functionality.
  • Increased Safety: Ensures that tasks can be performed safely at required heights without the need for additional equipment.
  • Improved Smartness: Facilitates quicker and more ideal completion of tasks by providing the necessary reach.

Can the maximum extended length affect ladder stability? 

Yes, using a ladder at or near its maximum length can affect stability. Always follow safety guidelines and use the ladder as intended.

OSHA Compliance:

  • Ladder Length Limitations: OSHA standards require ladders to be of adequate length for the task and must be maintained to prevent accidents.
  • Safe Use: Ladders must be used within their maximum working length to avoid overreaching and instability.
  • Inspection and Maintenance: Regular inspections should ensure that the ladder’s extendable components function properly and do not exceed the maximum working length limitations.

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