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Rooftop Catwalk installation

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Rooftop Catwalk
By Tom Reeves
Aug 21, 2023
Estimated 1 minute read

This ErectaStep catwalk stair installation overcomes the challenges of a narrow roof section interspersed with pipes with off-the-shelf components. No customization or fabrication was needed. Previously, workers found navigating this area very dangerous.

With ErectaStep's bolt-together assembly, lightweight aluminum, and readily available components, the installation took a fraction of the time of custom fabrication without the need for welding, cranes, or specialized equipment.

Now, workers can confidently traverse over the pipes, backed by OSHA-compliant fall protection. This installation was executed by Certified Slings and Supply, an ErectaStep distributor.

Choose ErectaStep for swift, economical, and adaptable solutions that don't skimp on quality or safety.





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