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Customizable Service Platform Stairs

Categories:  Industrial Stairs  Catwalk & Walkway  Conveyor Crossovers & Access  

raised metal stairs and maintenance work platform
By Mark Reed
Aug 09, 2019
Estimated 2 minute read

Safer access with raised work platform and access stairs

The line of Erectastep metal stairs and industrial maintenance work platforms feature modular, lightweight aluminum components that are as easy to reconfigure as they are to assemble. Installation only takes a few hours and requires little more than a wrench. Most installations take little more than a hand truck and two installers to do the job.

A raised walkway and service platform with aluminum stairs added to production lines that need to be crossed over many times a day makes so much sense. This custom installation shows the versatility, good looks and obvious quality of the ErectaStep system.

The absolute versatility or the ability to be adapted to your companies exact needs is what sets ErectaStep apart. As your line changes to adapt to new production needs ErectaStep can be equally adjusted in a matter of hours. Platforms can be moved, made larger or higher in any way that meets your companies growing needs.

It's very easy.

Buying preformed platforms means that your line or floor plan has to adapt to the size and shape of the preformed platform. This is not in your companies favor. Doesn't it make sense to use a system that adapts to your space requirements, changes, and needs? The answer is yes. This kind of adaptability means that changes can be made in a matter of hours that do not require a large production interruption.

The obvious quality, the strength of the component materials, and ease of installation makes ErectaStep an easy choice to approve in your safety budget. Instant OSHA compliance and state of the art fall protection is a decision that makes sense for your company.





Compliance Expert

Mark Reed

Your friendly stair expert