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Industrial Metal Crossover Stairs

Categories:  Industrial Stairs  Conveyor Crossovers & Access  

Metal Industrial Crossover Stairs
By Gary Hendrix
Jul 17, 2019
Estimated 3 minute read

Industrial Metal Crossover Stairs

Industrial Metal Crossover Stairs from ErectaStep install with minimum downtime to your production line. That is a huge benefit considering that time is money!

Industrial Crossovers are a must-have! You cannot have workers jumping a moving conveyor belt or ducking under a production line to get somewhere. Sadly these two unsafe practices happen every day, and many preventable injuries occur.

Giving your workers a safe path to get over a hazard is a significant proactive step. A good Safety Manager knows where the problems are and who the daily offenders are. Why not give workers a reliable OSHA compliant alternative?

The ErectaStep system in this photo is high and wide. Look closely at what needed a crossover. A moving conveyor belt is dangerous to any person not paying attention.

So how hard was this system to install?

Production with this conveyor certainly had to be stopped but not for too long. Two or three workers could assemble and install a system like this in hours. Seven steps up, cross a platform then seven steps down.

All of the components of the ErectaStep system are bolted together with a wrench. When assembled, the system provides rigidity, strength, and OSHA compliance.

The quality engineered components of the ErectaStep System are well thought out and manufactured to meet extensive quality requirements and government regulations.

ErectaStep components are engineered, manufactured, and inspected in the USA.

The Components of The ErectaStep System.

All of the ErectaStep components are industrial grade aluminum that is strong yet light. Each part is modular meaning that a customer can design and create a system that can address any height, length, or width. Beware of constructed crossovers that are a fixed length or height. It is always better to implement a system that adapts to your company's unique needs.

Start with the stairs.

The ErectaStep steps are the real deal! Each stair meets the OSHA requirements for stair width, length, depth, and weight-bearing ability. When you take your first step, you can feel the difference that solid construction and built-in non-slip manufacturing makes.

The Handrails and Guardrails

Because the rails bolt to the system there are no wobbly moments. You can pull, lean, and hold tight as you go up the stairs, cross the platform, and then go down the other side. ErectaStep offers confidence, stability, and reliability with each cross.

The Platform

The substantial aluminum non-slip platform is stable and roomy. The engineering of this one component is remarkable. Any of the ErectaStep components can bolt to any side of it. This feature creates versatility because the stairs, ladders or gates can bolt to any side if you need to in more than one direction.

Installing ErectaStep Crossover Platforms is a sensible proactive thing to do. If you know of an area in your plant that needs a crossover, it makes sense to get the ball rolling today.

Solid construction, reliability, OSHA compliance, ease of installation and good looks that last for years is an easy choice.





Compliance Expert

Scott Sullivan

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