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Dodging Slips, Trips & Falls on Uneven Ground with 7-Step Access Stairs

Categories:  Embankment & Hillside  

ErectaStep 7-Step industrial Crossover stairs on hillside
Aug 09, 2017
Estimated 4 minute read

Leveling the ground won't come easy when you have huge tracts of land nestled in a remote location, like a pipeline maintenance facility or oil storage terminals.

Uneven ground can pose a challenge, whether trying to walk across or drive over it. Even the most level-headed worker can be caught off guard by an unexpected bump or dip, leading to a fall or accident. An easy way to deal with uneven ground immediately is by using a shovel to clear or pack down raised areas of dirt or snow. In addition, covering muddy spots with sheets of plywood can provide a sturdy, even walking surface that's less likely to shift and change underfoot. While these offered band-aid solutions that would help, they are less risky than leaving workers to fend for themselves in perilous industrial terrain.

Slips, trips, and falls are some of the most common workplace injuries that can sometimes be closely tied to uneven ground surfaces. Construction workers, maintenance workers, landscapers, and most industrial workers are especially at risk due to the nature of their work. For good measure, uneven terrain can also pose a hazard for workers who must deal with it daily, like pipeline workers marooned in remote, undeveloped land. The most dangerous type is unpaved ground, which can be unpredictable and full of hidden hazards:

  • Workers may slip or fall while performing routine tasks without solid walking surfaces.
  • During adverse weather conditions, loose earth may collapse.
  • Cracks and potholes might develop due to muddy, saturated soil, causing accidents and slowing down worker mobility.
  • In the long term, cheap, temporary, and band-aid solutions may exacerbate the problem of unpaved ground.

That having said, working on uneven ground can physically strain a person's back and spine. When you have to adjust your posture to compensate for the irregular surface constantly, it can cause the muscles in your back to work harder. Over time, ergonomic risk factors can lead to pain and discomfort that leads to distraction, poor decision-making, and human errors, resulting in falling and tripping injuries in the industrial workplace. Here are the reasons why industrial facilities need to act on uneven ground:

  • Avoid potential injuries by leveling the walking surfaces around the industrial facility.
  • Increase productivity by not worrying about constantly adjusting to irregular surfaces.
  • Protect yourself and your employees from the dangers of working around a rough work path.
  • Comply with safety regulations by working on a stable surface

It's important to remind workers of their surroundings when working on uneven ground and take breaks often to relieve any tension in their backs. To help prevent these accidents, employers should ensure that all workers have the proper training to navigate uneven terrain safely. Additionally, employers should regularly inspect work areas for any potential hazards. By taking these precautions, employers can help create an injury-free environment for all workers.

While it's easy to suggest leveling the ground around oil terminals or wastewater plants, it might not be cost-effective when dealing with far-flung locations or huge tracts of land. Installing metal work platforms and access stairs can bridge the gap between a safe walking-working surface and a near-permanent remedy that won't burn a hole in your budget.

When it comes to durability, industrial access stairs are hard to beat. Our aluminum work platforms are designed to withstand heavy use and harsh weather conditions, making them an ideal choice for an outdoor workplace. Aluminum access stairs are also much lighter than their steel counterparts, making them easier to transport and install. Plus, we have modular stair parts that are easily replaceable individually when a piece gets damaged. Made of aluminum and protected with powder-coated paint, our prefabricated metal stairs won't rust or corrode over time, so you can be confident that they'll maintain their good looks for years to come. Aluminum is the way to go if you're looking to provide the ultimate solution to uneven terrain around your oil terminals and other industrial facilities that will stand the test of time.





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Victor Tracy

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