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Trane Heating Air Conditioning Access Stair

Categories:  Industrial Stairs  Energy  Equipment Access  HVAC Equipment  Rooftops  

Trane HVAC system stair
Jun 14, 2024
Estimated 1 minute read

Non-penetrating rooftop Trane HVAC system stair installation, replacing an existing corroded stair unit

In this non-penetrating rooftop stair installation, ErectaStep has replaced a badly corroded stair unit. The new ErectaStep metal unit provides safe access to a rooftop Trane Heating and Air Conditioning system. Constructed with heavy-grade aluminum to withstand harsh environmental conditions, the modular, bolt-together components of ErectaStep ensure long-lasting service life, making it an ideal upgrade for industrial rooftop applications. Thanks to its prefabricated modular design, installation was straightforward, with parts easily transported to the roof and assembled with just a wrench, eliminating the need for special equipment, welding, or custom fabrication.





Compliance Expert

Tom Reeves

Your friendly stair expert