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Rooftop air handling stair – before and after

Categories:  Industrial Stairs  Equipment Access  HVAC Equipment  Rooftops  

rooftop stair unit
Jun 14, 2024
Estimated 1 minute read

A before and after photo of a non-penetrating rooftop stair unit in a confined space.

This new ErectaStep metal unit provides work access to a rooftop HVAC system in a very tight rooftop space and does not penetrate the roofs membrane. Constructed with heavy-grade aluminum to withstand harsh environmental conditions, its modular, bolt-together components ensure long-lasting service life. The lightweight yet sturdy design made it easy to carry and position in the confined space, allowing for straightforward installation with just a wrench, without the need for special equipment, welding, or custom fabrication.





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Paul Parducci

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