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Roof Access Metal Stairs for Campbell Soup

Categories:  Industrial Stairs  Roof Access  Rooftops  

Side View of Roof Access Metal Stairs With Aluminum Handrails on Rooftop
By Mark Reed
Sep 27, 2018
Estimated 1 minute read

Metal Stairs for Rooftop access at the Campbell Soup facility.

Rough climate and frigid environment drive the setting for Northwest Ohio, where the Campbell Soup Company project locality is positioned. OSHA compliance is their number one concern because Campbell is adamant about the safety of their employees working inside and outside of their buildings. Erectastep offered the best solution with their long-lasting metal stairs system. These are not only zero maintenance required, but Erectastep modular metal stairs and platforms can carry on the elements like rain, snow, and ice as it features impressive traction and treads that are slip-resistant to safeguard individuals from unfortunate experiences when accessing their outdoor rooftop equipment.





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Paul Parducci

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