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Metal Stair Crossover For Cable Tray – Installation

Categories:  Industrial Stairs  Crossover Stairs  Pipe & Valves  

Metal Stair Cable Tray Crossover
By Ted Richardson
Jul 23, 2019
Estimated 1 minute read

ErectaStep 3-step metal stair crossover with a single platform at a pump station.

Installation is at a pump station for an underground pipe. The metal stair crossover gives user OSHA compliant access to valves for servicing, maintenance and for emergency cutoff

The modular metal stair crossover on one side and an access stair on the other is completely modular and installs with no custom tools. This single platform crossover installs in one say, especially with SafeRack's precast concrete pad there's no need for pouring concrete and waiting for it to set. Also, the precast concrete saves deep digs and takes the calling before you dig delays.






Compliance Expert

Ted Richardson

Your friendly stair expert