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Industrial Work Platforms with Stairs and Guardrails

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Industrial Work Platforms
By Brian Cox
Jul 10, 2019
Estimated 3 minute read

Industrial Work Platform with Stairs

There are places in any job site that can benefit from having sturdy OSHA compliant industrial work platforms. Stop using temporary scaffolding and apply a sturdy, safe solution that looks good and reduces the chance of a worker injury. The ErectaStep four-step work platform puts your workers right where they need to be to address an elevated work area.

Many of the ErectaStep benefits are quite visible in this photograph. There is no denying that this work platform is reliable and stable. This kind of reliability leads to worker confidence as they perform tasks on the amply spaced work platform.

The stability of this work platform starts at the braced tower supports. The superior engineering and quality materials that ErectaStep applies to the tower supports create rigidity and no-nonsense stability. Many instant solutions on the market cannot match the quality that ErectaStep offers.

The state of the art stability and worker protection continues on the stairs. Each stair is OSHA compliant out of the box. Each stair meets the stringent requirements for length, depth, and weight-bearing capacity. ErectaStep has engineered and manufactured a solution to a common problem in the safety industry. ErectaStep stairs are not thin. Where other stairs have cross pin support, ErectaStep stairs bolt to the staircase on each side. ErectaStep offers a clear safety advantage due to exceptional engineering, quality materials, and a commitment to not compromise your worker's safety.

Handrails on the staircase are heavy gauge aluminum that bolt to the stairs. The rails stay firm, offer support, and keep workers and their tools on the right path to the platform or landing.

The large, heavy aluminum platform has enough room for workers and their tools. Your workers get things done in comfort and security. The no-slip surface on the platform is built-in. Other platforms will use adhesive to lay down a sandpaper-like cover. ErectaStep Platforms put safety first and again have relied on superior engineering and high-quality materials. The no-slip surface is part of the platform.

The Guardrails on the platform are tall, heavy aluminum that bolt to the platform. Bolted handrails are an essential component of the state of the art fall control that ErectaStep provides. There is no safety compromise in materials, engineering, or construction with the ErectaStep system.

The fall protection guardrails and stair handrails are powder-coated with OSHA compliant yellow. Powder-Coating is another example of not making compromises when it comes to quality. Powder-Coating ensures a bright finish when you take it out of the box and stays bright for many years.

It all adds up to benefit after benefit for your workers. Quality Engineering, Quality Materials, Easy Installation, and Worker Safety are all things that ErectaStep offers.





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