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Rolling Stair Maintenace Platform

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Aviation aft maintenance platforms
By Park Rahaley
Aug 25, 2018
Estimated 1 minute read

Mobile aviation maintenance platform accessing planes Aft section

Aviation Maintenance Platforms – Airline Maintenance Company Says Goodbye to Building In-House Scaffolding - SafeRack met with the company and put together a part custom and part modular solution to fit their needs. The AeroStep team pitched a solution of commercial aviation ground support platforms that adjust in height pneumatically allowing the operators to access different sections of the plane and the various sizes. These easy to maneuver platforms provided employees with a safe way to access aircraft and adjust the height within no time at all. The airline company decided to test 4 stands at one of their locations in Kansas City. The platforms were delivered and SafeRack is currently working on the front and back cargo doors of the planes. SafeRack proposed a solution that they wanted, saved countless hours, and most importantly that worked!
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