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Truck Scale, Operator Building Access Stair Install

Categories:  Industrial Stairs  Food and Beverage  Vehicle Access & Maintenance  

truck scale industrial Stairs
By Richard Kline
Apr 29, 2024
Estimated 1 minute read

Operator building and truck scale access stair installation

This ErectaStep stair installation provides OSHA compliant access to a truck scale as well as the operator building.

Although the truck scale is not very high, it still needed stairs to comply with OSHA regulations. This two-step stair unit required no customization or fabrication; it was assembled using readily available, easy-to-install components, needing only anchoring to concrete. The same is true for the stair unit accessing the operator building, off the shelf components that were bolted together.

According to OSHA standards, any change in elevation of 19 inches or more at a workplace must be equipped with stairs or a ladder. For general industry, this requirement is specified under OSHA standard 1910.28(b)(9), which mandates that employers must provide a stairway or ladder at all points of access where there is a break in elevation of 19 inches or more, and no ramp, runway, embankment, or personnel hoist is available. This standard ensures safe movement for workers across different elevations in the workplace.





Compliance Expert

Jamie Nute

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