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ship Ladder Luggage Conveyor-Belt Denver Airport installation

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ErectaStep ship ladder
By Jamie Nute
Apr 20, 2024
Estimated 2 minute read

An ErectaStep ship ladder gives workers safe access to remove jams on a luggage conveyor belt beneath the Denver Airport.



What’s a ship ladder?  A “Ship Ladder” is defined by OSHA in proposed section 1910.21 as a stairway equipped with treads and stair rails with a slope greater than 70 degrees. Sometimes referred to as ship stairs, the term doesn’t mean it’s only used on ships, but merely stairs/ladders between 50° to 70° of incline and applications are for areas where standard stair length runs are not feasible.

In almost every industrial environment, safe access for maintenance and production is a must. Erectastep's series of ship stairs is an OSHA-compliant, configurable solution that provides stability and durability. Plus, because it offers complete customization, it’s made to fit virtually any industrial application need.

This steep incline stair is not suited for standard public access, office, commercial, or residential use applications.

Product Description

For industrial/commercial maintenance access and industrial/ commercial storage access. This steep incline stair is not suited for standard public access, office, or residential use applications. Suitable in areas where standard stair length runs are not feasible.

Ladder Sizes

2 STEP 18” TOW
3 STEP 27” TOW
4 STEP 36” TOW
5 STEP 45” TOW
5 STEP 54” TOW
6 STEP 63” TOW
6 STEP 72” TOW
7 STEP 81” TOW
8 STEP 90” TOW
9 STEP 99” TOW
9 STEP 108” TOW
10 STEP 117” TOW
11 STEP 126” TOW
12 STEP 135” TOW
12 STEP 144” TOW
13 STEP 153” TOW
14 STEP 162” TOW
15 STEP 171” TOW
15 STEP 180” TOW
16 STEP 189” TOW
17 STEP 198” TOW
18 STEP 207” TOW
18 STEP 216” TOW
19 STEP 225” TOW





Compliance Expert

Park Rahaley

Your friendly stair expert