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Rolling Work Platform With Stairs by RollaStep

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Rolling Work Platform
By Jamie Nute
Jul 10, 2019
Estimated 3 minute read

Rolling Work Platform

Whether you need to work over here or over there, the RollStep mobile work platform has got you covered. RollaStep is lightweight and maneuverable, which enables it to glide effortlessly into any areas where an elevated platform is your best bet.

Where can a rolling mobile work platform serve your company? Many companies use work custom work platforms for servicing fleet vehicles, day to day plant maintenance, upper-level ductwork, painting, and production line purposes. The rule of thumb is that a mobile ladder platform can go anywhere scaffolding can.

Do Not Rent Scaffolding... get a RollaStep Work Platform

If you have a maintenance need to rent scaffolding for those jobs that pop up every year, then a RollaStep platform will give you a pretty quick return on investment. Renting, installing, and then taking down scaffolding is expensive, and when that cycle completes, what are you left holding except an invoice from the scaffolding company? Nothing but another chance to rent scaffolding again.

Stop that endless billing cycle today by designing a Rollastep portable ladder platform that meets your companies needs today.

Here are the benefits you receive with RollaStep.

A RollaStep rolling work platform comes with built-in OSHA compliance. When you take a moment to review the quality engineered components of a RollaStep platform, you begin to understand how RollaStep is a significant cut above mere scaffolding. You may never want to step on iffy scaffolding again as you appreciate the differences that quality engineering and reliable materials add.

It's all about the components and manufacturing.

The type of situations that you will need your RollaStep Mobile Platform to be in require a durable toughness that needs to be built-in. Think about multiple workers, heavy toolbelts and power tools and even a few lunchboxes. A platform, scaffolding, or a RollaStep work platform has to be reliable at its core. We gave reliability and durability a lot of thought.

We Built Something Better For You

The RollaStep work platform is the result of quality engineering, high-quality OSHA compliant components, quality control inspections, and countless hours of in the field usage. We have made customized and standard mobile platforms for thousands of companies in just about every industry.

Our approach to engineering, manufacturing, testing, and the final product is no slam dunk affair. We are proud of RollaStep products and how they contribute confidence and safety to what is now a workforce of millions. Every day our platforms are put into use, and they deliver as workers go up and down safely...step by step.

Our commitment to our customers and the workers that use RollaStep never ends. You get a reliable customized or standard mobile work platform, quality engineering, and quality materials, OSHA compliance, and the knowledge that thousands of other companies have implemented a RollaStep Platform into their daily operations.

Let your crew enjoy the safety and confidence that a portable work platform will add to your company. Get a RollaStep system and enjoy safety peace of mind.





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