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Industrial Crossover Stairs Terminal Pipe

Categories:  Industrial Stairs  Pipe & Valves  Spill Containment  

Erectastep terminal pipe industrial crossover stairs
By Brian Cox
Aug 09, 2017
Estimated 1 minute read

Erectastep 5-step industrial aluminum crossover stairs and work platform to provide OSHA compliant egress over a terminal pipe.

This is an installation of Erectastep 5-step industrial aluminum crossover stairs and work platform to provide OSHA compliant egress over a terminal pipe.

Note the solid construction the five-piece ErectaStep system creates. Each component is manufactured with pride in the USA. Each component bolts together to create a solid, OSHA compliant crossover.

The guardrails and handrails add state of the art fall protection for anyone who crosses over. You can feel the difference as you step across. There is no shortcut in quality for any of the components. The platform itself is made with an installed anti-slip surface. The stairs are designed to comply with OSHA standards. They meet the requirements for stair width, depth, and ability to bear weight.

Each component stands up to constant use, the elements and time. This state of the art OSHA crossover will look great and serve your company for many years. mlee





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