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OSHA Compliant Barrier Gate

Categories:  Barrier Gates  Chemical Manufacturing  Energy  Safety Gates  

OSHA Compliant Barrier gate
By Jamie Nute
Aug 16, 2019
Estimated 3 minute read

OSHA Compliant Barrier Gate

The YellowGate XL OSHA Compliant Barrier Gate was a natural choice for this facility. The incredible versatility of the YellowGate XL Barrier is perfect for the control point you see in the photo. There was a need for a gate with some length. The YellowGate XL quickly expands from six feet to twelve feet, covering a vast swath when needed. Think about a prefabricated gate that you have to purchase in the size you need. Can that gate be adjusted? Can that gate be open or closed using vertical space instead of a wide horizontal arc?

The YellowGate XL barrier gate is the future of industrial gating, and here is why.

The adjustability of this product is a critical element. The simple adjustment mechanism can create a gate that is the exact size that your facility requires. The gate adjusts to your needs.

Installation is easy. The stable industrial grade aluminum base anchors to the deck where you need it to be with just four bolts. Because the gate opens and closes vertically, there is less stress on the base. A portal that has to be rolled open in an arc creates a massive strain on the base. Those connector points on an older gate, succumb to stress fracturing and alignment problems over time.

The vertical action that opens and closes the gate is smooth, reliable, and easy to manipulate by a single person. The gate glides up and glides down due to the patent-pending Malbec Tensioner which uses no springs. YellowGate engineers determined that a solution without springs creates a superior product. Springs on old gates are stress points that can weaken, get mushy and even break. The Malbec Tensioner creates a very positive and smooth opening and closing experience.

The YellowGate XL materials are well thought out. Gates have to be substantial barriers, and YellowGate uses Industrial Grade aluminum that is solid yet lightweight. The powder coating on the gateway creates a permanent yellow that is vibrant and resistant to the elements. The coloring will look great for many years.

YellowGate is purchased using a single SKU which eliminates waiting for multiple deliveries of other parts that old gates required.

Gating is an old problem with a new solution. If you have an old gate that is thin and straining at the base or springs or if you have a chain crossing an access point, it may be a good time for a replacement. OSHA looks at a chain gate as a violation.

See how quick YellowGate can install, create OSHA compliance, and give your company safety peace of mind today.





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